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Research project: Participants Required

17/01/2023 15:14 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

A small scale research project will be carried out, in part requirement of a doctorate course, looking at the impact of clinical supervision and/or personal therapy on therapy.

The title of this project is: ‘what impact do personal therapy and clinical supervision have on the practice of individual therapy’.

Participants will be required to have experience of attending either clinical supervision or personal therapy or both in the past or on an ongoing basis. It will take the form of a semi structured interview for about 20 minutes. The interview can be carried out in person or virtually (zoom, Microsoft teams, whatsapp or equivalent).

Confidentiality will be maintained at all times and participants anonymity will be adhered to in the study.

If you are interested could you please contact Darina at: 089 4250012 or darinavdb@gmail.com.

The Irish Association of Humanistic
& Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) CLG.

Cumann na hÉireann um Shíciteiripe Dhaonnachaíoch agus Chomhtháiteach

9.00am - 5.30pm Mon - Fri
+353 (0) 1 284 1665

email: admin@iahip.org

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